I’m a Professor of Law at the University of Southern California, specializing in law and artificial intelligence (applying natural language processing to study legal issues), tax law, and statutory interpretation. My work has appeared in the New York University Law Review, the Stanford Law Review, the University of Chicago Law Review, the Yale Journal on Regulation, and the Yale Law Journal, among others.
I graduated summa cum laude from Dartmouth College, with a triple major in Computer Science, Economics, and Philosophy and high honors for my Computer Science thesis. I received a JD at the Yale Law School, where I was the Executive Bluebook Editor of the Yale Law Journal and a founding Co-Director of the Yale Journal on Regulation Online. Before entering academia, I practiced tax law at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz.
In my spare time, I enjoy trail running, meditation, and trivia (I’m a former winner on Jeopardy!).
You can email me at jonchoi@law.usc.edu. The Python, Stata, and R code (and related Jupyter notebooks) that I use in my computational work is available here.